Crizlassic Phases
Crizlassic Salutes #1-5

1- Amanda Mikhail (The Same Coin)

2- Chris Michael (Looking Through the Windows)

3- Erich Rausch (In Our Backyard)

4- Mimi Sullivan (Dependence)

5- Noah Keyishian (Looking Through the Windows & A Box of Chocolates)

Crizlassic Salutes #6-10

1- Rebecca Lauren (The Same Coin)

2- Nigil Whyte (Common Threads)

3- Christine McCann (Dependence)

4- Asha Etchison (The Same Coin)

5- Dina Massery (In Our Backyard)

Crizlassic Salutes #11-15

1- Vince Seda (Dependence, LTW)

2- Reejuta Joshi (LTW)

3- Gary Fizer (Dependence)

4- M (Sound Mixer)

5- Sylvia Nicole (Epic Day)